How to Run HAZUS with ShakeMap Input


Authors:  Lisa Christiansen, David Wald

Date:  October 3, 2001



California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services – GIS Unit

Phone: (626) 683-6729

United States Geological Survey

Pasadena, California

Phone: (626) 583-7238




I.                        Retrieve a ShakeMap HAZUS input file from ShakeMap Web Pages:

a.     From the ShakeMap Web page (, select an earthquake of interest either from the Map Archive or choose the most recent event. The Archive pages contain HAZUS input files for historic and Scenario Earthquakes as well as recent events. From the Web page specific to the earthquake of interest, select Download, and select the “” file from the GIS Files category. Choose a local directory and unzip this file to use the shapefiles necessary for HAZUS input.


II.                      Start HAZUS:  Start > Programs > FEMA Risk Assessment System >

                  HAZUS 99-SR1 for ArcView


III.                    Create a New Study Region (To open a Pre-Built Region Skip to III.)


a.  Select - Region: Create - Type: New region and click OK.


b.  Select the State to include in the region and click Next.











c.   Select the County to include in the region and click Next.  (Note:  by clicking on Map the user can select the County from a map rather than selecting from the list.)

d.  Select the Census Tracts to include in the region and click Finish. (Note:  by clicking on Map button the user can select the Census Tracts from a map rather than selecting from the list.) (Note 2: the more census tracts that are selected the longer it will take to create the study region)




e.  Give the Study Region Name and click Ok.







f.  This is giving you the option to create the study region with the supplemental multi-hazard data.  You will have the option to do this at a later time if you wish.  If you choose to aggregate the data you must have the supple-mental cds that were included in the HAZUS pack.



g.  Skip to section IV.


IV.                    Open Pre-built region



a.  Select - Region: Open and select - Type: Pre-built region – This will allow the user to open a region that has already been built on your computer or imported to your computer. Click OK.


b.  Select the pre-built region you want to open and Click OK.  Note: A newly imported region will appear as the last name in the list of regions.


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V.                      New HAZUS session


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VI.           Add Data Maps (Optional) This is where the user will add the user supplied data maps for Liquefaction, Landslide, Water Depth, and Soil.



a.  Hazard > Data Maps


b.  Specify the location of the data maps (Currently we are using Epedat data for liquefaction and the NEHRP California Site Class for Soil Map and leaving the other two as default).  To use the default HAZUS data maps leave as is.  Click OK


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VII.         Define a Scenario:  Hazard > Scenario (choose one of the following Hazard Types)


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a.     Define a Scenario using User-supplied hazard (ShakeMap) Data – The user can supply the ShakeMap ground shaking intensity data for estimating damage and loss.



i.  Select - User-supplied hazard > Next


ii.  Specify the location of the ShakeMap hazard data  (the shapefiles downloaded in Step Ia). Click OK

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iii.  Enter a name for the scenario. Click Finish


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VIII.                Start HAZUS Run

a.     From the Analysis Menu select- Parameters


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b.     In the Analysis Options Dialog click on Select All button – This dialog will allow the user to run several different damage estimates, but by selecting all the run will be on the PESH(Potential Earth Science Hazard), Direct physical damage, Induced physical damage, Direct social and economic loss and indirect economic impact.


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c. This Dialog will pop up asking if the user wants to generate a Contour Map, Click Yes.


d.  Begin the Run, Click Yes.


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