ISGPS data sharing policy
GPS data that are collected within the ISGPS project are free for anyone to use.
However, the Physics Department, Icelandic Meteorological Office,
requests information on who is using the data and for what purpose.
This is primarily to strengthen the project, as a wide group of users enhances
the existence right of the ISGPS network. We want communication
between the users of the data and the caretakers of the network in order
to detect errors that might be present in the data. Furthermore, we are not
the sole owner of the data we have available.
Access to the ISGPS data has been restricted to the IP numbers of known users.
If you wish to become a user of the ISGPS data set you should send an e-mail
to the operator of the ISGPS network
(Halldór Geirsson (
including the following information:
- Name
- Institution or company
- IP number of the computer you will use to access the data
- Purpose of use (e.g. correction for mapping). If the data are being used in
a specific research project you should specify the project with a short
- Data requested (stations, time period, data format)
The ISGPS operator will assist you as much as possible if information (e.g. IP number)
is missing.
Instead of an e-mail you can send a written request to:
The Icelandic Meteorological Office
Halldor Geirsson
Bustadavegi 9
150 Reykjavik
Halldór Geirsson (