Physics Department

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Displacements of all ISGPS stations relative to REYK using CODE predicted orbits

Displacements in east, north and vertical directions are defined as positive. The black dots are solutions from 24 hours of data, using final orbits from CODE, with 1 sigma uncertainties. Green triangles are preliminary results using predicted satellite orbits from CODE. Red triangles show results from processing of data from the previous day. If no red triangles can be seen on the plots then either no data from the specific station have been sent, automatic processing has failed, or the triangle lies outside the scale of the plot. Red verical line marks the time of the M6.3 May 29 earthquake.
The plots are updated automatically daily.
Movements at OLKE
Movements at HVER
Movements at HLID
Movements at VOGS
Movements at SELF
Movements at KIDJ
Movements at STOR
Movements at ISAK
Movements at VMEY
Movements at THEY
Movements at SOHO
Movements at HVOL
Movements at GOLA
Movements at SKRO
Movements at GFUM
Movements at HOFN
Movements at RHOF
Movements at ARHO
Movements at AKUR
Movements at SAUD
Movements at BRUJ
Movements at KARV

Halldór Geirsson