Effect of installing SCIGN radomes in the ISGPS network

When installing SCIGN radomes at the ISGPS sites we have found apparent offsets of around 20mm in the vertical component (read about it in a report on the first year of ISGPS.)
SCIGN maintains a nice web on the SCIGN radome project. The ISGPS network consists mostly of Trimble receivers and Trimble Choke Ring antennas. The radomes we have used in the network are termed "Short Dome" (part number 0010-2). Here is a photo from ISGPS station SOHO showing a typical ISGPS setup with the radome. For the installation we use small washers to secure the radome. This differs slightly from the recommended installation, but probably has no major effect.
At most stations the radomes were installed at the same time as recordings started at the staions. However, at the oldest sites, the radomes were installed after recordings started.

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Benedikt Gunnar Ofeigsson