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UEDIN.DGG was responsible for Subproject 3, Shear-wave splitting to monitor
in situ stress changes before earthquakes and eruptions. The contractor was
Stuart Crampin. UEDIN.DGG has fulfilled its commitments in the workprogramme as
a whole. However, frequent earthquakes in the Hengill-Ölfus area in SW-Iceland
made it significant to change the emphasis of individual tasks to be carried out.
This was reflected later in this report, in detailing the work carried out.
All the problems addressed in the workprogramme are however addressed in the work
carried out. The emphasis on continuous survey of temporal variations of shear-wave
splitting from local earthquakes at a few stations in SW-Iceland has shown that
it may be possible in many cases
to see stress changes related to build-up of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
In particular, observed temporal variations in shear-wave splitting in SW-Iceland
was a basic observation in the successful forecast of the time and magnitude of a
magnitude M=5 earthquake in SW-Iceland in November 1998.
The success of this Subproject in explaining the relation between shear-wave splitting
variations and effects of stress changes, as well as the successful stress forecast
has initiated a new EU project within "Support for research infrastructures"
(SMSITES: Developing stress monitoring sites and infrastructure for forecasting earthquakes,
contract no. EVR1-CT1999-40002), which began on January 1, 2000.
In all tasks above there was a close cooperation with IMOR.DG as concerns
basic evaluation of and in providing data and applying the forecasts.
Next: GFZ.DR.DBL: Stiftung GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
Up: The role of the
Previous: UUPP.DGEO: Uppsala University, Department
Hjorleifur Sveinbjornsson