In the preparatory phase of an earthquake, stress accumulation is expected to be connected with the creation of borehole breakouts (BOs), changes in the number and size of cracks, a possible variation of the stress direction, etc. Therefore it is very important to monitor the following set of geoparameters:
In the framework of this project, we had the chance to carry out repeated logging to obtain
a time series of logs in the South Iceland seismic zone (SISZ).
An 1100 m deep borehole (LL-03, Nefsholt) inside the zone
W, 7 km south of the seismic station SAU)
was used and provided the unique opportunity to perform measurements much
nearer to earthquake sources than usual - the hypocenter depths at that
location range between 6 and 9 km.
Moreover, data could be obtained for a depth interval of more than 1000 m,
uninfluenced by the sedimentary cover and less disturbed by surface noise.
This was achieved by repeated logging with tools as: sonic log (BCS), gamma-ray (GR), spectral gamma-ray (SGR), neutron-neutron log, dual induction/latero log (DIL), 16"- and 64"-normal resistivity log, spontaneous potential log (SP), a borehole temperature log (BHT), four-arm-dipmeter (FED), and borehole-televiewer (BHTV).
The neutron-neutron log, the 16"- and 64"-resistivity log, the SP log, and temperature logs were run with the logging equipment of OS, the rest with the Halliburton logging truck of GFZ.
Investigations on the stress field in the SISZ
Besides the repetition of logs in borehole LL-03 (Nefsholt), we performed single logging campaigns at other boreholes to check the state of the regional stress field. This is important for two reasons: