We carried out a structural study in this area, including analysis of aerial
photographs, local observation of major faults and collection of minor fault
slip data in outcrops, as well as an analysis of the focal mechanisms of
earthquakes (Bergerat et al. 1998; Bergerat et al. 1999; Bergerat and
Angelier 2000). At the regional scale, the main fault trends are
approximately NNE-SSW and NE-SW. ENE-WSW, NW-SE and WNW-ESE trending faults
are also detected in aerial photographs and in the field. All these faults
are normal or strike-slip in character. Some of the historical major
earthquake fractures are observed in the post-glacial lava flows in the
SISZ: most are right-lateral and trend roughly N-S. We analyzed more than
700 minor faults at 25 sites. Most sites are located in rocks of Upper
Pliocene-Pleistocene age. Inversion of fault-slip datasets enabled us to
reconstruct local paleostress tensors, hence to define the major tectonic
regimes which have prevailed in the SISZ. Two main groups of faulting
mechanisms reveal two distinct stress regimes, with perpendicular directions
of extension, NW-SE (primary) and NE-SW (secondary). Both groups, however,
display inhomogeneous datasets, related to extensional and to strike-slip
faulting. The primary stress regime is in agreement with both the general
behaviour of the SISZ as a left-lateral transform zone and the opening of
the rift segments. The secondary stress regime, incompatible with the
primary stress regime, is interpreted in terms of stress permutations. A
population of 231 double-couple focal mechanisms (M>1 and depth>2 km) was
also analyzed in terms of stress states. The results show great similarity
in terms of stress directions. Figure 31 gives an example of a
characteristic fault-slip data site and a comparison with focal mechanisms
of earthquakes.
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The present-day stress field mainly inferred from analyses of earthquake focal mechanisms is consistent with the present behaviour of the SISZ as a left-lateral transform zone. However, the proportion of strike-slip faulting within the present-day seismic activity (71%) is significantly higher than that revealed by the geological observation of Quaternary faults (50%). This contrast is interpreted in terms of development and evolution of the transform fault zone. Figure 32 schematically presents a comparison between the paleostress results obtained from faulting analysis and the present day activity based on focal mechanisms of earthquakes analysis. Stress permutations between different regimes are shown as couples of open arrows. The paleostress fields identified in the Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene formations of the SISZ reflect both the previous behaviour of the area, when it was located inside the rift zone, and its present behaviour as a transform zone, thus illustrating the local evolution from rifting to transform motion.
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