Using a new inversion technique suitable for focal mechanisms of earthquakes (in that it does not require the choice of a nodal plane as the actual fault plane) was particularly worthwhile in order to process the very large numbers of focal mechanisms of earthquakes determined within the SIL network set-up and monitored by IMOR.DG. This was because of the mathematical aspects which imply analytical resolution so that at the core of the inversion process itself the runtime does not depend on the quantity of data (Angelier 1998).
The inversion was carried out with a total dataset of about 50000 double-couple
focal mechanisms of earthquakes (Angelier et al. 2000a). It
revealed regional deviations as large as
in the direction of extension
near the major transform zones (clockwise for the South Iceland seismic
zone, counterclockwise for the Tjörnes fracture zone), relative to the
E trend of plate separation across the mid-Atlantic ridge. However, the
mean axis of minimum stress obtained from these inversions for the whole of
Iceland is quite consistent with the trend of plate separation independently
reconstructed by DeMets et al. (1990).