The division of work within the project is well defined. The participants will carry out their work to be disseminated at the annual workshops. The participants are all more or less depending on each other work, and that it is decently carried out. They are specialists in various fields in earth sciences. The annual workshops, attended by all contractors, assistant contractors, many of the subcontractors and open to the cooperators will thus provide significant quality assurance measures.
The HOTSPOT website on the internet is an integrated part of the project, to inform about datastructures, how to link to observations and about the progress of the work. Most of this information is open to public which helps to secure quality.
The regular workshops will be held in Iceland, where the basic HOTSPOT infrastructure and HOTSPOT center is located. These meetings will serve as a kind of advisory steering committee meetings for the coordinator and the various participants of the project. This is very significant for many reasons, besides reporting to EU.
One reason is that HOTSPOT aims at organizing common data structures and monitoring methods serving many disciplines of earth sciences. Representatives for these disciplines will attend the workshops.
These meeting are also very significant for the objective of HOTSPOT to extend the observations, both in multiplicity as well as geographically, and then to encourage wide participation in research on the basis of the data.
These workshops will be well announced among potential end users of the data and providers of sensors to be included in the HOTSPOT infrastructure to secure good and growing participation in the work.