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Workpackage 6: Coordination of digital broad-band waveform exchange

The lead contractor, Bernard Dost, will coordinate the broad-band waveform data exchange in the larger platform area for plume dynamics observations, i.e. on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean. In cooperation with providers of data and operation of broad-band stations in the four countries, the assistant contractors, Chris Browitt, Sören Gregersen, Hilmar Bungum and Reynir Bödvarsson, he will perform an upgrade of some of the stations and improve the access to data from the existing broad-band stations by development of automatic procedures. It will make Iceland broad-band data accessible to end users in cooperation with the HOTSPOT center staff in Iceland. The experience of the lead contractor and the assistant contactors in seismological measurements and research projects will give them a very significant role in designing the larger area and denser network platform, going into ocean bottom observatories.

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Margret Asgeirsdottir