Using simple models of the surface expression of normal faults, the
geometrical characteristics of the topographic features related to active
deformation during tectonic-volcanic events are quantitatively analyzed. At
crustal depths of about one kilometer, normal faults are present and have an
average 70
dip. Comparison with the dip distribution of older
normal faults
observed in the uplifted and eroded shoulders of the rift zone, at
paleodepths of 1-2 km, indicates that this dip determination is valid.
Comparisons between the local case study and structural analyses of active
fissure swarms on a larger scale suggest that normal faulting plays a major
role in the middle section of the thin, newly formed brittle crust of the
rift zone. In the axial oceanic rift zone of NE-Iceland, the extensional
deformation in the upper crust is dominated by horizontal tension and normal
shear, their relative importance depending on depth. Absolute tension
dominates in the uppermost several hundred meters of the crust, resulting in
the development of fissure swarms. Effective tension plays an important role
at a deeper level (2-5 km), because of the presence of magmatic fluid
pressure from magma chambers which feed dyke injections. At crustal depths
of about 1 km, normal shear prevails along fault planes which dip
This importance of normal shear at moderate depth, between upper and lower
crustal levels where tension prevails, is pointed out. Within the
extensional context of rifting, these variations of tectonic behaviour with
depth are controlled by both the lithostatic pressure and the effective
tension induced by the presence of magmatic fluid pressure.