With the view of answering these questions partly, a detailed aerial
inspection and mapping of the Leirubakki-Svínhagi seismogenic fault has been
made. This fault is just over 7 km long strikes N12.
The fault
consists of
many segments within a zone that is 100-250 m wide. In the northern part of
the zone, individual fractures strike around N12
in the middle
part, and around N25
in the southernmost part. The fractures
thus become
more easterly striking towards the south. The fractures consist of en
echelon segments, with small push-ups or hillocks as well as pull-apart
structures between the nearby ends of the segments. These structures are
associated with areas of transpression and transtension, respectively, along
the main strike-slip fault.
The Leirubakki-Svínhagi fracture is location in the 9000 years old
Thjórsárhraun lava flow. The age of the fracture itself is, however, not
known. It is obviously less than 9000 years old, but may be only several
hundred years old. At the southern end of the fracture, near the farm
Svínhagi, hot water (15-20C) emits from the fracture. The
presence of warm
water in the fracture indicates that it is not very old as otherwise it
would have been sealed up with silica.
There are at least three main trends of fractures associated with the Leirubakki-Svínhagi fault: NNE, ENE and WNW. Most of these cracks are presumably strike-slip faults. In addition, there are NE trending tension fractures. All these trends are also found in the fault populations in the nearby Pleistocene rocks. Nevertheless, the WNW trend of segments associated with the Leirubakki-Svínhagi fault is unusually clear and conspicuous and must be explained by any model that attempts to account for the fracture pattern associated with the SISZ.
Many other faults in the Holocene lava flows have been studied, on land, by aerial inspection, and from aerial photographs. These results have been compared with those obtained by field studies of faults in the nearby Pleistocene areas of the SISZ. As was to be expected, the same populations of faults occur in the Holocene lava flows as in the Pleistocene rocks; these populations are discussed in more detail in the section on fault populations below.
Work on the SISZ as regards the field studies and paleostresses is in close collaboration with Jacques Angelier, Francoise Bergerat, Sigurdur Th. Rögnvaldsson and Helgi Torfason. Concerning analytical studies on fault development, a close collaboration is with Maurizio Bonafede and Maria Elina Belardinelli. A manuscript on the stress fields and fracture pattern in the central part of the SISZ has already been submitted, and another manucript, combining field and theoretical studies on faults in the eastern part of this zone, is in preparation.