Angelier, J., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, F. Bergerat, Á. Gudmundsson,
S. Jakobsdóttir & R. Stefánsson 1996. Earthquake focal mechanisms and
recent faulting: a seismotectonic analysis in the Vördufell area, South
Iceland seismic zone. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996. ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík,
199-204. Ágústsson, K. 1996a. Continuous strain measurements in SW-Iceland with focus
on the 1987 Vatnafjöll earthquake and the 1991 Hekla eruption.
Fil. lic. thesis, Uppsala University, 34 p.
Ágústsson, K. 1996b. Þyngdarmælingar á Sudurlandi (gravity
measurements in SW-Iceland). Rit Vedurstofu Íslands.
Research report VÍ-R96001-JA01, Reykjavík, 37 p.
Ágústsson, K. 1996c. Alvakinn (testing and tuning of the
seismic alert system). Greinargerd Vedurstofu Íslands.
Report VÍ-G96031-JA03, Reykjavík, 71 p.
Ágústsson, K. 1997. Overview of seismic activity in Iceland January
1995 - November 1996. Preliminary report on SIL data. Greinargerd
Vedurstofu Íslands. Report VÍ-G97002-JA02, Reykjavík, 37 p.
Ágústsson, K., A. Linde & R. Stefánsson 1996. The 1987 Vatnafjöll
earthquake South Iceland viewed by strainmeters: information on source
processes from associated deformation. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor),
Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 175-180.
Ágústsson, K., A. Linde, R. Stefánsson & S. Sacks 1998.
Strain changes for the 1987 Vatnafjöll earthquake South Iceland and possible
magmatic triggering. J. Geophys. Res., in press.
Ágústsson, K., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, B.H. Bergsson & R. Stefánsson 1998.
Jardskjálftamælanet Vedurstofu Íslands og Hitaveitu Sudurnesja - lýsing
á mælaneti og fyrstu nidurstödur.
Rit Vedurstofu Íslands. Research report VÍ-R98002-JA02, Reykjavík,
17 p.
Bödvarsson, R., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, S.S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga
& R. Stefánsson 1996. The SIL data acquisition and monitoring system.
Seism. Res. Lett. 67, 35-46.
Crampin, S., H.J. Rowlands & R. Stefánsson 1996. Monitoring stress during magma injection. Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted.
Bödvarsson, R., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson & R. Slunga 1996. Waveform
correlation as a tool for automatic phase picking.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Erlendsson, P., R. Stefánsson, G.R. Foulger, B.R. Julian, G. Nolet, W.J. Morgan, K. Vogfjörd, S.S. Jakobsdóttir, M. Pritchard, R. Allen, B.H. Bergsson & S. Ragnarsson 1996.
Heiti reiturinn: rannsóknarverkefni til ad kanna djúpgerd Íslands og
skjálftavirkni. Nr. 1 - uppsetning mælanets sumarid 1996.
Greinargerd Vedurstofu Íslands. Report VÍ-G96028-JA01, Reykjavík,
11 p.
Erlendsson, P., R. Stefánsson, G.R. Foulger, B.R. Julian, G. Nolet,
W.J. Morgan, K. Vogfjörd, S.S. Jakobsdóttir, M. Pritchard, R. Allen,
B.H. Bergsson & S. Ragnarsson 1997. Heiti reiturinn:
rannsóknarverkefni til ad kanna djúpgerd Íslands og skjálftavirkni.
Nr. 2 - Rekstur mælanets og eldgos í Vatnajökli. Greinargerd
Vedurstofu Íslands. Report VÍ-G97008-JA03, 9 p.
Gudmundsson, G. 1996. Seismicity in the central volcanoes beneath
Mýrdals- and Eyjafjallajökull.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Gudmundsson, G., S.S. Jakobsdóttir & R. Bödvarsson 1996. Automatic
selection of teleseismic data in the SIL system.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Halldórsson, P. 1996a. Estimations of magnitudes of historical earthquakes.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Halldórsson, P. 1996b. Spatial changes in seismicity on the Reykjanes
Peninsula and South Iceland Lowland.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Halldórsson, P., Th. Skaftadóttir & G. Gudmundsson 1996. A new
catalogue of earthquakes in Iceland 1926-1974.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Jakobsdóttir, S.S. 1996a. The SIL network: the need of automatic processing in
seismically active areas.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Jakobsdóttir, S.S. 1996b. Alert-detector in the SIL network.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Jakobsdóttir, S.S. & F. Scherbaum 1996. Effects of the acausal response of
zero phase FIR filters on the onset time determination of P waves for
intermediate and big earthquakes.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Jakobsdóttir, S.S. 1998a. Uppsetning SIL-kerfisins. Greinargerd
Vedurstofu Íslands. Report VÍ-G98012-JA01, Reykjavík, 8 p.
Jakobsdóttir, S.S. 1998b. Monitoring volcanoes and earthquakes in Iceland with
the SIL seismological network. In: Abstracts from the International Conference
on Modern Preparation and Response Systems for Earthquake, Tsunami and
Volcanic Hazards, Santiago, Chile, April 27-30, 1998. The IUGG Chile
National Committee and the
IASPEI Commission for the IDNDR.
Jakobsdóttir, S.S. 1998c. The SIL-network: an automatic system for collecting
and processing high quality earthquake data. In: Abstracts from the Conference
on Modern Preparation and Response Systems for Earthquake, Tsunami and
Volcanic Hazards, Santiago, Chile, April 27-30, 1998. The IUGG Chile National Committee and the
IASPEI Commission for the IDNDR.
Kjartansson, E. 1996. Database for SIL earthquake data.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Kjartansson, E., S.S. Jakobsdóttir, P. Erlendsson & G. Foulger 1997.
Stafræn úrvinnsla gosóróa (digital evaluation of volcanic noise).
In: Abstracts from the Symposium on the Eruption in Vatnajökull 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland, February 22, 1997.
Geological Society of Iceland.
Linde, A.T., I.S. Sacks, R. Stefánsson, K. Ágústsson, O. Kamigaichi
& K. Kanjo 1996. Strain measurements and volcanic eruptions.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Mochizuki, M., H. Shiobara, H. Shimamura, R. Stefánsson & G. Gudmundsson
1996. Crustal structure beneath Reykjanes Ridge obtained by OBS refraction
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Mochizuki, M., H. Shimamura, R. Stefánsson, H. Shiobara, G. Gudmundsson,
& B. Brandsdóttir 1996. Microseismicity and crustal structure offshore
north of Iceland.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., Á. Gudmundsson & R. Slunga 1996. Seismicity and
style of faulting in the Tjörnes fracture zone, North Iceland.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., G. Gudmundsson, K. Ágústsson, S.S. Jakobsdóttir &
R. Stefánsson 1996. Recent seismicity near the Hengill triple-junction,
SW-Iceland. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe. Papers presented
at the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 461-466.
Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., G. Gudmundsson, K. Ágústsson,
S.S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga & R. Stefánsson 1997.
Seismicity in the Hengill volcanic area, SW-Iceland. Volcanology and
Seismology, submitted.
Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., K. Ágústsson, B.H. Bergsson & G. Björnsson 1998.
Jardskjálftamælanet í nágrenni Reykjavíkur - lýsing á mælaneti og fyrstu
nidurstödur. Rit Vedurstofu Íslands. Research report VÍ-R98001-JA01,
Reykjavík, 15 p.
Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., Á. Gudmundsson & R. Slunga 1998.
Seismotectonic analysis of the Tjörnes fracture zone, an active transform
fault in North Iceland. J. Geophys. Res. in press.
Rögnvaldsson, S.Th. & R. Slunga 1998. Mapping subsurface faults
using relative locations and fault plane solutions of microearthquakes.
In: Abstracts from the XXIII EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
Shimamura, H., R. Stefánsson, M. Mochizuki, T. Watanabe, H. Shiobara,
G. Gudmundsson & P. Einarsson 1996. Northern Reykjanes Ridge
microseismicity revealed by dense OBS arrays.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Stefánsson, R. 1996. Towards earthquake prediction in Iceland. In:
B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV
ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 3-8.
Stefánsson, R. 1997a. Earthquake-prediction research in a natural
laboratory - PRENLAB. Greinargerd Vedurstofu Íslands.
Report VÍ-G97041-JA06, Reykjavík, 38 p.
Stefánsson, R. 1997b. A multidisciplinary European project for earthquake
prediction research in Iceland. In: Abstracts from the International Symposium
on Exploring into Long-term Seismic Activities/Applications in Disaster
Prevention, Shizuoka, Japan, October 20, 1997.
Stefánsson, R. 1998a. Analysis of Icelandic earthquake precursors in the PRENLAB project.
In: Annales Geophysicae. Abstracts from the XXIII EGS General Assembly,
Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998. Supplement IV to Vol. 16.
Stefánsson, R. 1998b. Analysis of Icelandic earthquake precursors in the
PRENLAB project. In: Annales Geophysicae. Abstracts from the XXIII
EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
Supplement IV to Vol. 16.
Stefánsson, R., R. Bödvarsson & G. Gudmundsson 1996. Iceland
plume tectonics. Some speculations and facts. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor),
Seismology in Europe. Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly,
Reykjavík, Iceland, September 9-14, 1996.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 505-511.
Stefánsson, R., G. Pálmason, H. Pálsson, P. Einarsson, R. Sigbjörnsson,
& P. Halldórsson 1996. Tillögur um adgerdir til ad draga úr hættu af völdum
jardskjálfta (proposals for actions for mitigating earthquake risk).
Reykjavík, 63 p.
Stefánsson, R. & K. Ágústsson 1997. Continuous measurements of
strain and hydrological effects in the SISZ. In: Abstracts from the
PRENLAB-1 workshop, Paris, France, October 24-25, 1997.
Stefánsson, R., S. Crampin, G. Gudmundsson, K. Ágústsson,
P. Halldórsson & S.Th. Rögnvaldsson 1997. Jardskjálftar og spennubreytingar
tengdar innskoti kviku og eldgosi í Vatnajökli (earthquakes and stress
changes related to magma intrusion and eruption in Vatnajökull).
In: Abstracts from the Symposium on the Eruption in Vatnajökull 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland, February 22, 1997. Geological Society of Iceland.
Tryggvason, A., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson & Ó. Flóvenz 1996. 3-D P- and
S-wave velocity structure beneath South-West Iceland derived from local
earthquake tomography.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
Tryggvason, A., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson & Ó. Flóvenz 1997. High resolution
imaging of the three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structure beneath
South-West Iceland.
In: Abstracts from the 29th IASPEI General Assembly, Thessaloniki, Greece,
August 18-28, 1997.