Henneberg, K. & F. Roth 1997.
Bohrloch-Wiederholungsmessungen in der Südisländischen
Paper presented at the fall meeting of the Working Group of Geodesy and
Geophysics, Bad Honnef, Germany, 1997. Henneberg, K., F. Roth, V. Stefánsson & H. Sigvaldason 1997.
Repeated logging at Nefsholt, inside the South Iceland seismic zone:
first results.
Paper presented at the PRENLAB- 1 workshop, Paris, France, October 24-25, 1997.
Henneberg, K., F. Roth, H. Sigvaldason, S.T. Gudlaugsson &
V. Stefánsson 1998.
Ergebnisse von Bohrlochmessungen in der Südisländischen
Seismizitätszone in den Jahren 1996 und 1997.
Paper presented at the third meeting of the FKPE working group
on Borehole Geophysics and Rock Physics, Hannover, Germany, 1998.
Jónsson, S. & P. Einarsson 1996. Radon anomalies and earthquakes in the
South Iceland seismic zone 1977-1993.
In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 247-252.
Jónsson, S., P. Einarsson, & S. Björnsson 1998. Radon anomalies prior to
earthquakes in the South Iceland seismic zone 1977-1993, submitted.
Roth, F. 1997a. Vorstellung des Projektes zu Wiederholungsmessungen
in einer Bohrung im Südisländischen
Seismizitätsgebiet. Proceedings of the German Geophysics
Society, 52-57.
F. Roth 1997b.
Messungen und Modellrechnungen zum tektonischen Spannungsfeld an
Plattenrändern und im Platteninneren.
Paper presented at the colloquium of the Institut for Geophysics of the
Technical University Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 1997.
Roth, F. 1998.
Vorstellung des Projektes zu Wiederholungsmessungen in einer Bohrung im
Südisländischen Seismizitätsgebiet.
Paper presented at the third meeting of the FKPE working group
on Borehole Geophysics and Rock Physics, Hannover, Germany, 1998.
Roth, F., P. Einarsson, P. Theodórsson, J. Vandemeulebrouck &
V. Stefánsson 1996.
Borehole monitoring and repeated logging near active faults.
Proceedings of the
VIII International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust
Through Drilling, Tsukuba, Japan, 271-276.
Roth, F. & J. Palmer 1997.
Bohrloch-Spannungsmessungen in Osteuropa und auf Island.
Joint presentation in a paper series Progresses in Log Analysis
as part of
the GFZ logging course Log Analysis of Petrofacies and Lithofacies,
Potsdam, Germany, February 17-21, 1997.
Roth, F. & V. Stefánsson 1997a.
Repeated logging in a seismically active area.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting, Strasbourg, France,
March 23-27, 1997.
Roth, F. & V. Stefánsson 1997b.
Repeated logging in a seismically active area.
Paper presented at the ninth biennial EUG meeting, Strasbourg, France,
March 23-27, 1997.
Theodórsson, P. 1996a. Measurement of weak radioactivity.
World Scientific
Publishing Co., Singapore, 333 p.
Theodórsson, P. 1996b. Improved automatic radon monitoring in ground water.
In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, Reykjavík, Iceland,
September 9-14, 1996.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 253-257.