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The project has successfully been
carried out in accordance with the
workprogramme. The individual
subprojects have been carried out
successfully in accordance with the
general outlines in the workprogramme, as confirmed in reports on
individual subprojects. Earth activity, seismic and
volcanic, has been extremely high in
Iceland during the time of the project.
Therefore it was necessary to put much
emphasis in enhancing the monitoring
system and collection of data.
Consequently, it was possible to study
crustal processes related to
earthquakes to an extent far beyond
what was originally expected. The
increased earth activity as well as
scientific progress, not least of the
PRENLAB projects, led to an
increased interest and thus increased
support of the government of Iceland for
monitoring earthquake- and volcano-related crustal processes.
Successes in providing useful
warnings have led to increased
confidence of the public as well as of
authorities of Iceland in the
possibilities of seismology and related
sciences in mitigating risks, as well as
in the significance of the PRENLAB
projects. The earth activity in Iceland
led to slight shifts in the emphasis
within individual tasks of the workprogramme in order to grasp the
opportunities nature provided to carry
forward the main objectives of the
project, which are to understand better
where, when and how earthquakes
An earthquake sequence in the Hengill-Ölfus area in SW-Iceland
(Figure 1)
and associated deformation lead to
concentration of the PRENLAB-2
activity in this area which, because of
these events, became the most
significant part of the natural laboratory
during the first part of PRENLAB-2.
Two eruptions occurred in southern
part of Iceland during the period of the
Two large earthquakes which occurred
in the South Iceland seismic zone (SISZ), both
magnitude 6.6 (Ms), near the end of the
project period, were a test for the
state of risk mitigation and earthquake prediction research
in Iceland at present, and reveal new
possibilities for the progress of such a
research. These two earthquakes and related
observed earth activity are of enormous significance
for the progress of many parts of the PRENLAB-2
project far beyond its objectives.
Figure 1:
Iceland, with its rift zones and volcanic zones, which delineate
the mostly NS elongated mid-Atlantic ridge through Iceland. The EW plate
divergency across the mid-Atlantic ridge and upwelling mantle plume
below Iceland (Hotspot) are responsible for the seismicity and the volcanism.
The observational network for continuous monitoring, used in the project, is
Volcanic zones are shown in yellow, i.e. the
very active eastern volcanic zone (EVZ), the less active western volcanic zone
and Reykjanes peninsula (RP). Large earthquakes occur along the EW elongated
South Iceland seismic zone (SISZ) and in the Tjörnes fracture zone (TFZ) off the north
coast. Glaciers are shown in bluish-white. The Hengill-Ölfus area, frequently mentioned
in this report, is at the triple junction between SISZ, RP and WVZ.
![\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=\textwidth]{/net/ris/ris3/prenlab2-2001/ch1/}](img23.gif) |
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Hjorleifur Sveinbjornsson