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The general structure of the data archival and data access facility will be finished within half a year of the start of the project. From that time on it will gradually be filled in with new data and containing information about plans for further data.

In the first year of the project parameter and waveform data of teleseismic events recorded at the larger platform networks will be available from the European datacenters, linked to the HOTSPOT center in Iceland.

Within a year the data from the volumetric strainmeters, continuous gravimeters, and continous MT stations will be available, based on information available in the EMSC center by linking to the HOTSPOT center in Iceland. A significant part of the GPS observations will be available after two years of the project.

Within the first year of the project raw CGPS station data will be available as well as station coordinates.

The prototype multipurpose HOTSPOT Observatory Station will be ready for testing to receive and to carry out various observations within the first two years of the project. Among these are seismic, gravimetric, MT, continuous GPS, volumetric strainmeter, and continuous gas monitoring.

Preparations will have advanced so far after the first year of the project that the first new observational facilities made available by other projects and institutions can be added to the HOTSPOT infrastructure. Such activity will proceed during the project period.

It is estimated that a very preliminary design for build-up of geophysical observatories on the ocean bottom between Scandinavia and Greenland will be ready within two years of the project for presentation to scientists and institutes likely to be interested in participating in such future preparations.

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Margret Asgeirsdottir