The efforts in CGPS will result in the following deliverables, that will be placed on the websites of the European HOTSPOT Data Center (WP 1). These data are the following: Data collected at the HOTSPOT CGPS Network in Rinex format. Daily station coordinates in the EUREF reference frame with error bars. Tropospheric and ionospheric models estimated during GPS processing.
The European HOTSPOT Data Center will be archivist and distributor of these data.
The deliverables give the necessary foundation for stress and strain modelling of the Hotspot activity and a large variety of other scientific studies for people working on Hotspot, plate tectonics, glacial rebound, volcanic and seismic risk, in Iceland and elsewhere.
The HOTSPOT CGPS Network would facilitate the acquisition of new geodetic measurements because it provides data from permanent GPS stations in new areas, hence making GPS measurement campaigns easier. The data will also increase greatly the accuracy obtained for numerous existing local networks measured through short campaigns or as semi-continuous GPS networks. Vertical displacement would be easier to detect, and this is of a great interest because several network are installed around volcanoes where vertical changes are expected. Positioning data would be directly used as constrain in a great variety of models. Models of precipitable water vapour in the troposphere estimated from CGPS data are of great interest in meteorological forecasting.