Next: Access to information and
Up: End users, scientific advisers
Previous: Deliverables
Years 1 and 2:
- 2 months after signature of contract, accomplishment of an
expertise on the medium- and large-scale dynamics of the Iceland
plume, including a proposition for the HOTSPOT Observatory
network configuration and data acquisition and future improvements.
- 3-D numerical models of plume activity to determine the sensitivity
requirements to detect strain waves on medium- and large-scale.
- Preliminary Finite Element model on strain propagation in the crust based on
existing data.
Years 3 and 4:
- Expertise on the data supply system provided for the end users by
the HOTSPOT Observatory.
- Accomplishment of a user-friendly interactive tool to determine
stress concentrations and deformations in the Icelandic crust.
Margret Asgeirsdottir