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Geophysical Observatory Fürstenfeldbrück, University of Munich

The Geophysical Observatory Fürstenfeldbrück is a part of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Geophysics, University of Munich. The observatory consists of two divisions, the geomagnetic observatory (head: Dr. Martin Beblo) and the seismological observatory (head: Dr. Eberhard Schmedes). Since 1939 the Geomagnetic Observatory Fürstenfeldbrück (FUR) - follower of the observatories Munich (MUC, 1841-1926) and Maisach (MAS, 1927-1932) - runs permanent observations of the time variations of the earth magnetic elements, mainly for the study of secular variation of the earth magnetic field. Every 5 to 10 years FUR carries out geomagnetic surveys in Germany in co-operation with the two other German observatories in Niemegk (NGK) and Wingst (WNG). FUR has a long tradition in construction of geomagnetic instruments, nowadays both in developing hardware and software. These instruments and software are widely used by the geomagnetic community in the developing countries. In addition to this scientists at the observatory are engaged in writing the history of geosciences. Studies of the electrical conductivity of crust and mantle are essential part of the observatory. The main survey areas have been the Eastern Alps, South Germany, Iceland and Antarctica. During the last years basic research in environmental geophysics has been carried out and transferred to industry.

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Margret Asgeirsdottir