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Ósonmęlingar ķ Reykjavķk 1995-1998 og įstand ósonlagsins į noršurslóšum |
Jaršešlissviš |
5. Nišurlag | Efnisyfirlit |
Euorpean Ozone Research Coordinating Unit 1995. Reinforcement of European research activities following the large Arctic ozone depletion observed during SESAME last winter. Press release, 3 bls.
Guðmundur G. Bjarnason, Örnólfur E. Rögnvaldsson, Þorsteinn I. Sigfússon, Þór Jakobsson & Barði Þorkelsson 1992. Analysis of total ozone data from Reykjavík for the period 1957- 1991. Report RH92-3. Science Institute, University of Iceland, 47 bls.
Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial & Veðurstofa Íslands 1996. Invidual report on ozonesounding flight at Keflavík carried out in the frame of agreement IMO- INTA. Madrid, 115 bls.
Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial & Veðurstofa Íslands 1997. The campaign OSDOC over Keflavík ¾ winter 1996-97. Report on ozonesounding flights at Keflavík carried out in the frame IMO- INTA. Madrid, 136 bls.
Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial & Veðurstofa Íslands 1998. The campaign Mini Match 1998 over Keflavík winter 1998. Report on ozonesounding flights at Keflavík carried out in the frame IMOINTA. Madrid, 80 bls.
National Oceanic and Atmosheric Administration 1995. CPC stratosphere: northern hemisphere winter summary 199495.
Vefsíða: nic.fb4.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/winter_bulletins/nh_94-95/
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1996a. Northern hemisphere winter summary 1995-96.
Vefsíða: nic.fb4.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/winter_bulletins/nh_95-96/
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1996b. TOVS total ozone analysis.
Vefsíða: nic.fb4.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/tovsto/archive/np/1996/
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1997. Northern hemisphere winter summary 199697.
Vefsíða: nic.fb4.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/winter_bulletins/nh_96-97/
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1998. Northern hemisphere winter summary 199798.
Vefsíða: nic.fb4.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/winter_bulletins/nh_97-98/
World Meteorological Organization 1995. Scientific assessment of ozone depletion: 1994. Global ozone research and monitoring project report no. 37.
World Meteorological Organization 1996. Stronger ozone decline continues. Press release, 2 bls.
World Meteorological Organization 1997. Update on the state of the ozone in 1996 until April 1997. Geneva, 1 bls.
World Meteorological Organization 1998. Update on the state of the ozone layer in 1997 until April 1998. Geneva, 2 bls.