Next: Stress tensor determination from
Up: Task 1: Determine the
Previous: Detailed analysis of focal
After the first study on Vördufell, the field studies have been carried
out in September 1996 in the whole SISZ in order
to collect fault slip data measurements and reconstruct paleostress
tensor. The collection has been made in
some selected sites in late Tertiary and Pleistocene lavas and
hyaloclastites and in postglacial lavas. The areas investigated were the
Skardsfjall, Hestfjall and Búrfell mountains, the Grímsnes area and the
canyons of Stóra Laxá and Stóra Mástunga. This study has been completed
by analysis of focal mechanisms of earthquakes in the same areas.
We collected about 700 brittle tectonic data at 25 sites in Upper Pliocene
to Holocene basalts and hyaloclastites. At each site the whole dataset
reveals two opposite stress regimes, each including normal and strike-slip
faulting. The analysis of the strike-slip faults in the major data subset
indicates paleostress tensor with subhorizontal
axes, the trend
being N
E to N
E (main trend: N
The normal faults in
the major subset characterize vertical
and horizontal
also trending
E to N
In the minor data subsets, the direction of
for the strike-slip faults
as well as for the normal ones, ranges from N
E to N
E on average).
The major stress regime includes 70% of the total population of faults. Of
a total of 718 fault slip data, 55% indicate primarily normal-slip and 45%
primarily strike-slip. The ratio normal/strike-slip faults is lower than
in other areas of Iceland. Moreover, many normal faults were generated in
the western rift zone segment, then drifted out of it.
The above results indicate that the dominating stress field in the SISZ
favours strike-slip faulting, with an horizontal
axis trending
approximately WNW-ESE to NW-SE. We point out, however, that in addition,
there is a contrasting minor stress field, characterized by approximately
NNE-SSW to NE-SW extension.
These results were compared to the stress regimes determined from
earthquakes mechanisms.
The determination of the stress regimes is done through calculation of
stress tensors, involving the use of inverse methods. Preliminary analyses
of focal mechanisms recorded by the SIL network revealed the presence of
two contrasting stress regimes.
The crucial problem of the choice between nodal planes of double couple
focal mechanisms is solved in two ways. First, some methods do not require
the choice between the nodal planes, such as for the right dihedra (P- and
T- dihedra) method. Second, for those inversions requiring choices between
nodal planes, and because the earthquakes studied are very shallow, the
rich geological information on the fractured medium deserves attention. We
use an integrated approach including four criteria; geophysical and
geological: consideration of nodal plane attitudes as compared with
geological discontinuities, comparison with recent fault mechanisms
observed in the field, consideration of mechanical likelihood for each
fault solution, and best fit criterion relative to the stress tensors
The systematic use of these criteria for nodal plane selection within a
weighted approach (reliability, magnitude, depth, etc.) allowed better
determination of the stress regimes in the SISZ.
As for faults collected in the field, major NW-SE extension is in
agreement with the left-lateral
behaviour of the E-W seismic zone. A minor NE-SW extension is attributed
to rebound phenomena, local block accommodation and magmatic effects. For
both these regimes, strike-slip mechanisms prevail, many normal and few
reverse mechanisms being also present. Permutations between stress axes,
are common.
Next: Stress tensor determination from
Up: Task 1: Determine the
Previous: Detailed analysis of focal
Gunnar Gudmundsson