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The reduced stress tensor includes the orientations of the three principal
stress axes
the ratio of principal stress differences,
For a homogeneous subset of double couple mechanisms,
this tensor can be determined through inversion of data, under the
classical assumptions of mechanical consistency. This is a classical
problem for geologists in brittle tectonics.
In the case of focal mechanisms, however, there is an additional problem,
that of the choice between nodal planes of double couple focal mechanisms.
Classically, the answer either consists of avoiding the choice by using the
right dihedra (P- and T- dihedra) method, or aims at performing this choice
in various ways prior to numerical inversion of data.
It is demonstrated that there is a third possibility, which allows one to
carry out the mathematical inversion of data and to obtain the complete
reduced stress tensor, without doing any choice between the nodal planes of
each earthquake.
Furthermore, the formulation is such that it is possible to carry out the
inversion by pure analytical means, based on cancelling partial derivatives
relative to the unknowns of the reduced stress tensor. The solution of the
problem is thus straightforward and numerical problems are avoided.
Using a simple direct inversion of double-couple mechanisms of earthquakes
enables one to focus on a more important problem, that of the inhomogeneity
of datasets in terms of stress states. Separation into subsets is made
easier because in the new method calculation is extremely brief despite the
complexity of algebraic derivations.
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Gunnar Gudmundsson