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[1] Angelier, J., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, F. Bergerat, A. Gudmundsson,
S. Jakobsdóttir & R. Stefánsson 1996. Earthquake focal mechanisms and
recent faulting: a seismotectonic analysis in the Vördufell area, South
Iceland seismic zone. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. ISBN 9979-60-235-X,
[2] Angelier, J. & F. Bergerat 1997. The South Iceland Seismic Zone.
Part II: Stress fields and mechanisms of seismogenic faults.
In: Abstracts from the PRENLAB-1 workshop, October 24-25, 1997,
[3] Angelier, J., F. Bergerat, O. Dauteuil & T. Villemin 1997.
Tension-shear relationships in extensional fissure swarms, axial
rift of northeastern Iceland: morphological evidences.
J. Struct. Geology 19, 673-685.
[4] Angelier, J., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, F. Bergerat & A. Gudmundsson
1997. Earthquake focal mechanisms and regional stress: the
seismotectonic behaviour of the South Iceland Seismic Zone revealed by
the Vordufell earthquake activity.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[5] Antonioli, A., A. Piersanti, G. Spada & R. Sabadini 1996.
Studio su scala
globale del campo di sforzi prodotto dai grandi terremoti.
In: Abstracts from the 15th GNGTS annual meeting, November 11-13,
1996, Rome.
[6] Antonioli, A., A. Piersanti & G. Spada 1997.
Post-seismic deformations: a comparison between spherical and flat earth
models and stress diffusion following large earthquakes.
Geophys. J. Int., submitted.
[7] Antonioli, A., A. Piersanti, G. Spada & M. Bonafede 1997.
Time-dependent stress field associated with rift dynamics.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[8] Ágústsson, K. 1996a. Continuous strain measurements in
SW-Iceland with focus
on the 1987 Vatnafjöll earthquake and the 1991 Hekla eruption.
Fil.lic. thesis, Uppsala University, 34 p.
[9] Ágústsson, K. 1996b. Þyngdarmælingar á Suðurlandi (gravity
measurements in SW-Iceland). Rit Veðurstofu Íslands.
Research report VÍ-R96001-JA01, Reykjavík, 37 p.
[10] Ágústsson, K. 1996c. Alvakinn (testing and tuning of the
seismic alert system). Greinargerð Veðurstofu Íslands.
Report VÍ-G96031-JA03, Reykjavík, 13 p. + figures.
[11] Ágústsson, K., A. Linde & R. Stefánsson 1996. The 1987 Vatnafjöll
earthquake South Iceland viewed by strainmeters: information on source
processes from associated deformation. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor),
Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavík,
Iceland. ISBN 9979-60-235-X, 175-180.
[12] Ágústsson, K. 1997. Overview of seismic activity in Iceland January
1995 - November 1996. Preliminary report on SIL data. Greinargerð
Veðurstofu Íslands. Report VÍ-G97002-JA02, Reykjavík, 7 p. + figures.
[13] Belardinelli M.E. & M. Bonafede 1996a. Near-field
stress evolution after a
strike-slip earthquake in a layered viscoelastic half space.
In: Abstracts from the XXI EGS General Assembly, May 6-10,
1996, The Hague.
[14] Belardinelli M.E. & M. Bonafede 1996b.
Stress fields and tensile fractures in
a transform domain.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[15] Belardinelli, M.E., M. Bonafede & A. Gudmundsson 1996.
Orientamento delle
fessure superficiali create da un terremoto trascorrente.
In: Abstracts from the 15th GNGTS annual meeting, November 11-13,
1996, Rome.
[16] Belardinelli, M.E., M. Bonafede & A. Gudmundsson, 1997a.
Secondary earthquake fractures generated by a strike-slip
fault in the South Iceland Seismic Zone.
J. Geophys. Res., submitted.
[17] Belardinelli, M.E., M. Bonafede & A. Gudmundsson, 1997b.
Inferences on the regional stress field from the study of secondary
earthquake fractures.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[18] Belardinelli, M.E., M. Bonafede & A. Gudmundsson 1997c. Orientation of
secondary earthquake fractures.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[19] Belardinalli, M.E. & M. Bonafede 1997. Near-field
stress evolution after
a strike-slip earthquake in a layered viscoelastic halfspace.
Phys. and Chem. of the Earth, in press.
[20] Bergerat, F., J. Angelier, O. Dauteuil & T. Villemin 1996a.
Morphologie et déformation dans un rift océanique émergé: exemple du champ
du fissures du Krafla (Nord-Est Islande). In: Abstracts from
16ème Réun. Sc. Terre, April 10-12, 1997, Orléans.
[21] Bergerat, F., J. Angelier, O. Dauteuil & T. Villemin 1996b.
Present-day tension-shear deformation and morphology in the Krafla
fissure swarm, axial rift zone of northeastern Iceland.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[22] Bergerat, F. & J. Angelier 1997. The South Iceland Seismic Zone.
Part I: Neotectonic evidence from field studies of recent faulting.
In: Abstracts from the PRENLAB-1 workshop, October 24-25, 1997,
[23] Bergerat, F., A. Gudmundsson, J. Angelier & S.Th. Rögnvaldsson 1997.
Seismotectonics of the central part of the South Iceland Seismic Zone.
Tectonics, submitted.
[24] Bergerat, F., J. Angelier, A. Gudmundsson & S.Th. Rögnvaldsson 1997.
Joint study of recent faulting and earthquake focal mechanisms in the
South Iceland Seismic Zone: the Vördufell area as a case example.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[25] Bonafede, M. & S. Danesi 1996. Campo di sforzi e meccanismi di
fagliazione indotti dalla intrusione di un dicco in prossimita` della
superficie. In: Abstracts from the 15th GNGTS annual meeting,
November 11-13, 1996, Rome.
[26] Bonafede, M., S. Danesi & M. Olivieri 1996.
Modelling surface topography of rift zones in terms of crack theory.
In: Abstracts from the XXI EGS General Assembly, May 6-10, 1996, The
[27] Bonafede, M. & S. Danesi 1997. Near-field modifications of
stress induced by
dyke injection at shallow depth. Geophys. J. Int., submitted.
[28] Bourgeois, O., O. Dauteuil, F. Bergerat, T. Villemin, J. Angelier, S. Verrier, C. Homberg & V. Ferber 1997.
Etude structurale des mécanismes du rifting océanique en Islande.
In: Abstracts from Colloque National Dorsales, November 24-25, 1997,
[29] Böðvarsson, R., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson & R. Slunga 1996. Waveform
correlation as a tool for automatic phase picking.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[30] Böðvarsson, R., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga
& R. Stefánsson 1996. The SIL data acquisition and monitoring system.
Seism. Res. Lett. 67, 35-46.
[31] Crampin, S. 1996. Earthquake prediction and earthquake forecasting.
In: Abstracts from Earthquake Research in Turkey: state-of-the-art,
September 30-October 5, 1996, Ankara.
[32] Crampin, S. 1997a. Going APE: monitoring and modelling rock deformation
with shear-wave splitting. In: Seism. Mines, Proceedings of the
4th International Symposium on Rockbursts, Kraków, in press.
[33] Crampin, S. 1997b. Earthquake forecasting: a viable alternative
to prediction. Geophys. J. Int., submitted.
[34] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1996a. Forecasting earthquakes with
APE. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe. Papers presented
at the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavík, Iceland.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, 318-323.
[35] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1996b. Rocks, dead or alive?: Theory
prompts new understanding of fluid-rock interaction and shear-wave splitting.
EOS 77, 281 and 286.
[36] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1996c. Opportunities for earthquake
In: Abstracts from Earthquake Research in Turkey: state-of-the-art,
September 30-October 5, 1996, Ankara.
[37] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1996d. Forecasting earthquakes with
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[38] Crampin, S., H.J. Rowlands & R. Stefánsson 1996. Monitoring stress
during magma injection, in preparation.
[39] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1997a. Changes of strain before earthquakes:
the possibility of routine monitoring of both long-term and short-term
precursors. J. Phys. Earth, in press.
[40] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1997b. Modelling the compliance of
crustal rock: II - response to temporal changes before earthquakes.
Geophys. J. Int. 129, in press.
[41] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1997c. The possibility of forecasting
earthquakes. In: Abstracts from
assessment of schemes for earthquake prediction, Geological Society,
November 7-8, 1996, London.
[42] Crampin, S. & S.V. Zatsepin 1997d. Forecasting earthquakes.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[43] Dauteuil, O., J. Angelier, F. Bergerat, V. Ferber, S. Verrier
& T. Villemin 1997.
Deformation pattern and morphology in the northern Iceland rift.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[44] Gudmundsson, A. 1997.
Stress fields controlling strike-slip faulting in Iceland.
Phys. and Chem. of the Earth 21, 261-265.
[45] Gudmundsson, A. 1997.
Stress fields associated with discontinuities and cavities in rocks.
In: Abstracts from the Tectonic Study Group meeting,
Stavanger. Geological Society of Norway.
[46] Gudmundsson, A. 1998.
Formation and development of tension fractures in a lava pile, and their evolution into faults.
In: P. Hancock and A. Gudmundsson (editors),
Tensile fracturing in the Earth's crust: a book to honour Professor
Neville J. Price. University College Press, London, in press.
[47] Gudmundsson, A., F. Bergerat & J. Angelier, 1996.
Off-rift and rift-zone paleostresses in Northwest Iceland.
Tectonophysics 255, 211-228.
[48] Gudmundsson, A., F. Bergerat & J. Angelier 1997.
Strike-slip faults in the central part of the South Iceland Seismic Zone.
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[49] Gudmundsson, G. 1996. Seismicity in the central volcanoes beneath
Mýrdals- and Eyjafjallajökull.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[50] Gudmundsson, G., S. Jakobsdóttir & R. Böðvarsson 1996. Automatic
selection of teleseismic data in the SIL system.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[51] Halldórsson, P. 1996a. Estimations of magnitudes of historical earthquakes.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[52] Halldórsson, P. 1996b. Spatial changes in seismicity on the Reykjanes
Peninsula and South Iceland Lowland.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[53] Halldórsson, P., Th. Skaftadóttir & G. Gudmundsson 1996. A new
catalogue of earthquakes in Iceland 1926-1974.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[54] Jakobsdóttir, S. 1996a. The SIL network: The need of automatic processing in
seismically active areas.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[55] Jakobsdóttir, S. 1996b. Alert-detector in the SIL network.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[56] Jakobsdóttir, S. & F. Scherbaum 1996. Effects of the acausal response of
zero phase FIR filters on the onset time determination of P waves for
intermediate and big earthquakes.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[57] Jónsson, S. & P. Einarsson 1996. Radon anomalies and earthquakes in the
South Iceland seismic zone 1977-1993.
In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 247-252.
[58] Kjartansson, E. 1996. Database for SIL earthquake data.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[59] Kjartansson, E., S. Jakobsdóttir, P. Erlendsson & G. Foulger 1997.
Stafræn úrvinnsla gosóróa (digital evaluation of volcanic noise).
In: Abstracts from the symposium on the eruption in Vatnajökull 1996,
February 22, 1997. Geological Society of Iceland.
[60] Linde, A.T., I.S. Sacks, R. Stefánsson, K. Ágústsson, O. Kamigaichi
& K. Kanjo 1996. Strain measurements and volcanic eruptions.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[61] Liu, Y., S. Crampin & I. Main 1997. Shear-wave anisotropy: spatial
and temporal variations in time delays at Parkfield, Central California.
Geophys. J. Int., submitted.
[62] Mochizuki, M., H. Shiobara, H. Shimamura, R. Stefánsson & G. Gudmundsson
1996. Crustal structure beneath Reykjanes Ridge obtained by OBS refraction
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[63] Mochizuki, M., H. Shimamura, R. Stefánsson, H. Shiobara, G. Gudmundsson,
& B. Brandsdóttir 1996. Microseismicity and crustal structure offshore
north of Iceland.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[64] Piersanti, A., A. Antonioli, M. Cocco & C. Nostro 1996.
Global post-seismic deformation: stress field changes.
In: Abstracts from the AGU 1996 fall meeting, December
15-19, 1996, San Francisco.
[65] Piersanti, A., G. Spada & R. Sabadini 1997. Global
postseismic rebound of a viscoelastic earth: theory for finite faults and
application to the 1964 Alaska earthquake. J. Geophys. Res.
102, 477-492.
[66] Roth, F. 1996a. Surface deformation due to a source below several soft
sedimentary layers. In: Annales Geophysicae. Abstracts from
the XXI EGS General Assembly, May 6-10, 1996, The Hague.
Supplement I to vol. 14.
[67] Roth, F. 1996b. Deformation pattern of displacement source below several
layers. In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[68] Rowlands, H.J., S. Crampin & R. Stefánsson 1997. Forecasting
In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting, March 23-27, 1997,
[69] Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., G. Gudmundsson, K. Ágústsson, S. Jakobsdóttir &
R. Stefánsson 1996: Recent seismicity near the Hengill triple-junction,
SW-Iceland. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe. Papers presented
at the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavík, Iceland.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, 461-466.
[70] Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., G. Gudmundsson, K. Ágústsson,
S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga & R. Stefánsson 1997.
Seismicity in the Hengill volcanic area, SW-Iceland. Volcanology and
Seismology, submitted.
[71] Rögnvaldsson, S.Th., A. Gudmundsson & R. Slunga 1997.
Seismotectonic analysis of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, an active transform
fault in North Iceland. J. Geophys. Res., submitted.
[72] Shimamura, H., R. Stefánsson, M. Mochizuki, T. Watanabe, H. Shiobara,
G. Gudmundsson & P. Einarsson 1996. Northern Reykjanes Ridge
microseismicity revealed by dense OBS arrays.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[73] Shomali, Z.H. & R. Slunga 1996.
Determination of the mechanism and source parameters of earthquakes by
using moment tensor inversion of earthquakes in the South Iceland
seismic zone.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[74] Sigmundsson, F. 1996. Inversion of geodetic data from Hengill triple
junction, Iceland:
rift subsidence and volcano inflation.
In: Annales Geophysicae. Abstracts from
the XXI EGS General Assembly, May 6-10, 1996, The Hague. Supplement I
to vol. 14.
[75] Sigmundsson, F. & H. Vadon 1996.
Oblique spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, SW-Iceland: 3D crustal
velocity field inferred from satellite radar interferometry and
geologic evidence. In: Abstracts from the AGU 1996 Fall Meeting.
EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 77.
[76] Sigmundsson, F., H. Vadon & D. Massonnet 1997.
Readjustment of the Krafla spreading segment
to crustal rifting measured by satellite radar interferometry.
Geophys. Res. Letters 24, 1843-1846.
[77] Sigmundsson, F., P. Einarsson, S.Th. Rögnvaldsson, G.R. Foulger,
K.M. Hodgkinson & G. Thorbergsson 1997.
1994-1995 seismicity and deformation at the
Hengill triple junction, Iceland: triggering of earthquakes by a small magma
injection in a zone of horizontal shear stress. J. Geophys. Res.
102, 15151-15161.
[78] Slunga, R. & B. Lund 1996.
Stress tensor inversion based on microearthquake focal mechanisms.
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[79] Stefánsson, R. 1996. Towards earthquake prediction in Iceland. In:
B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV
ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavík, Iceland.
ISBN 9979-60-235-X, 3-8.
[80] Stefánsson, R., R. Bödvarsson & G. Gudmundsson 1996. Iceland
plume tectonics. Some speculations and facts. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor),
Seismology in Europe. Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly,
September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavík, Iceland. ISBN 9979-60-235-X, 505-511.
[81] Stefánsson, R., G. Pálmason, H. Pálsson, P. Einarsson, R. Sigbjörnsson,
& P. Halldórsson 1996. Tillögur um aðgerðir til að draga úr hættu af völdum
jarðskjálfta (proposals for actions for mitigating earthquake risk).
Reykjavík, 63 p.
[82] Stefánsson, R. & K. Ágústsson 1997. Continuous measurements of
strain and hydrological effects in the SISZ.
In: Abstracts from the PRENLAB-1 workshop, October 24-25, 1997,
[83] Stefánsson, R., K. Ágústsson & P. Halldórsson 1997. The dual
mechanism model revived in light of the observed fluid intrusion
following the Vatnafjöll earthquake sequence of 1987.
In: Abstracts from the PRENLAB-1 workshop, October 24-25, 1997,
[84] Stefánsson, R., S. Crampin, G. Gudmundsson, K. Ágústsson,
P. Halldórsson & S.Th. Rögnvaldsson 1997. Jarðskjálftar og spennubreytingar
tengdar innskoti kviku og eldgosi í Vatnajökli. (earthquakes and stress
changes related to magma intrusion and eruption in Vatnajökull).
In: Abstracts from the symposium on the eruption in Vatnajökull 1996,
February 22, 1997. Geolocical Society of Iceland.
[85] Stefánsson, R. & P. Halldórsson
1997. On the possibility of a magnitude 7 earthquake in the Bláfjöll
area, near Reykjavík.
In: Abstracts from the PRENLAB-1 workshop, October 24-25, 1997,
[86] Stefánsson, R., P. Halldórsson, S.Th. Rögnvaldsson & G. Gudmundsson
1997. Húsavík earthquakes and their relation to seismicity, fault movements
and rifting episodes.
In: Abstracts from the PRENLAB-1 workshop, October 24-25, 1997,
[87] Theodórsson, P. 1996a. Improved automatic radon monitoring
in ground water. In: B. Thorkelsson (editor), Seismology in Europe.
Papers presented at the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. ISBN 9979-60-235-X, Reykjavík, 253-257.
[88] Theodórsson, P. 1996b. Measurement of weak radioactivity. World
Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 333 p.
[89] Tryggvason, A., S.Th. Rögnvaldsson & Ó. Flóvenz 1996. 3-D P- and
velocity structure beneath South-West Iceland derived from local earthquake
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
[90] Vadon, H. & F. Sigmundsson 1996.
Plate movements and volcano deformation from
satellite radar interferometry: 1992-1995 crustal deformation at the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, SW-Iceland. In: Abstracts from the
AGU 1996 Fall Meeting. EOS Transactions American Geophysical
Union, 77.
[91] Vadon, H. & F. Sigmundsson 1997.
Crustal deformation from 1992 to 1995 at the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge, SW-Iceland, mapped by satellite radar interferometry. Science
275, 193-197.
[92] Verrier, S. 1996. Caractérisation de surfaces faillées par analyse
de données géodésiques: application au champ de fractures du Krafla
(rift médio-atlantique, Islande). Mémoire de Maitrise, 27 p.
[93] Verrier, S. 1997. Etude sismo-tectonique d'un segment
transformant émergé de la ride médio-atlantique: la Zone Sismique
Sud-Islandaise. Mémoire de D.E.A. (M.Sc. thesis), 50 p.
[94] Villemin, T., F. Sigmundsson, F. Jouanne & A. Gudmundsson 1997.
Present-day surface deformation at the rift-transform junction in North
Iceland. In: Abstracts from the ninth biennial EUG meeting,
March 23-27, 1997, Strasbourg.
[95] Zatsepin, S.V. & S. Crampin 1996. Modelling rockmass deformation
with APE: a mechanism for monitoring earthquake preparation zones with seismic
In: Abstracts from the XXV ESC General Assembly, September 9-14, 1996,
Reykjavík, Iceland. Icelandic Meteorological Office, Ministry for the
Environment, University of Iceland.
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Einar Kjartansson