New methods and software have been developed to estimate a regional or local stress tensor based solely on microearthquake focal mechanisms and locations [53]. The inversion method is based on the work of Gephart and Forsyth [29] with significant changes in the treatment of focal mechanisms and in the criteria of choosing the correct fault plane from the two nodal planes. The inversion algorithm is implemented in the SIL system environment, takes full advantage of the SIL software for focal mechanisms [] and for absolute and relative location [] and is compatible with the visualization software.
We invert the focal mechanisms to obtain the directions of
the three principal stresses and,
a measure of the relative magnitude of the intermediate
principal stress. We use a grid search over the
lower hemisphere for the directions of the principal stresses and
the size of R. For each stress tensor the direction of shear
stress on the nodal planes are calculated and we minimize the angle, in the
plane, between the observed slip direction and the theoretically
calculated shear stress direction in the inversion. The misfit angle
is used as the objective function to be minimized and
can be weighted with the amplitude errors on the focal mechanisms,
with dynamic source parameters such as the moment and can also be
constrained to consider angles less than a certain value equal to that
value to prevent overfitting the data. The misfit and confidence
levels are calculated in a one-norm sense, following [29],
and the confidence levels are further constrained using only
non-redundant focal mechanisms [54].
To account for the uncertainties in the focal mechanisms we use the
facilities provided by the SIL fault plane solution
algorithm [].
The algorithm provides a range of acceptable fault plane solutions for
each event, in the same way as a 95% confidence level, where each
fault plane solution has a specific amplitude error. The amplitude
error is used as a weight in the misfit calculation.
We include the whole range of mechanisms for each event and calculate the
misfit of each focal
mechanism, in the end choosing the mechanism which gives the lowest misfit.
This significantly improves the stress tensor inversion
(Figure 6).
![]() |
The crucial point of choosing which nodal plane to include in the
inversion, i.e. choosing the fault plane, has been tackled with
three different methods (Figures 6
and 7):
![]() |
We have applied our stress tensor inversion scheme to data from Hestfjall
in the
SISZ. Figures 6 and 7
show different stages in the inversion of 68 microearthquakes,
ranging in local magnitude from -0.36 to 1.38 with a median at 0.24 and
in depth from 3.2 to 7.4 km with the median depth at 5.7 km.
It is evident from Figure 6 that using a range of
acceptable fault plane solutions significantly improves the fit and
accuracy of the inversion. The overall misfit is reduced by more than
a factor three, the 95% confidence level shrinks to show two distinct
stress states, either strike-slip or normal faulting, and the
direction of horizontal compression, the black histogram on the
perimeter, is concentrated at
Also the range in Ris reduced. Both inversions choose mainly subvertical nodal planes
striking NNE-ENE. At the bottom of Figure 6 we see the
histograms of the individual misfits on the selected nodal planes and
there is a marked change to lower misfits for the acceptable focal
mechanism inversion. The lack of misfits between 0.0 and 0.05 is due
to a lower bound on the misfit corresponding to
observed slip and estimated shear stress.
The results of using the three different criteria for choosing the
fault plane can be seen in Figure 6, which shows the
instability criterion inverse in the lower half, and in
Figure 7, which shows the slip angle criterion on top and
the pre-defined plane criterion, with instability for most of the
events, below. All three inversions have been
performed using the acceptable focal mechanisms. As expected the slip
angle method gives the lowest misfit, since it has the largest
freedom to choose well fitting planes. The pre-defined inversion has
worse misfit than the instability inversion, also due to the lower
degree of freedom when six of the events have fixed planes. All
inversions yield approximately the same direction of maximum
horizontal compression,
and all inversions have 95%
confidence levels allowing both strike-slip and normal faulting
regimes. The slip angle inversion, however, strongly favours normal
faulting whereas the other two have almost equal misfits for the best
fitting strike-slip and best fitting normal faulting stress tensors. The
planes chosen by the different criteria vary markedly. The instability
criterion choose mainly subvertical planes striking NNE-ENE, with
some planes having lower dips, for the
strike-slip stress state.
The slip angle inversion choose both
subvertical and subhorizontal planes with main strike directions of
NNE and NW, which is similar to the planes the instability inversion
choose for the normal faulting regime. Including pre-defined planes with
the instability
criterion yields even more subvertical planes but with an added group
of NNW striking planes.
These 68 Hestfjall microearthquakes are thus compatible with both a strike-slip and a normal faulting state of stress. The strike-slip regime requires mainly NNE-ENE striking subvertical fault planes and the normal faulting regime requires some subhorizontal fault planes. Knowledge of the fault planes is thus necessary to distinguish between the two stress states. This can be gained either through a larger data set with more events with predefined planes or through extrapolation of surface fault mapping to the conditions at 5 km depth. We feel that the methods developed here have improved our chances of correctly identifying the state of stress in the crust through earthquake focal mechanisms.