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Start: July 1996 (month 5)
End: February 1998 (month 24)
Responsible partner: GFZ.DR.DBL
Borehole-televiewer measurements
The televiewer-data collected in the well at Nefsholt have been presented in
the previous reports. These previous presentations have to be corrected
for an error in orientation!
Attempts were made in 1996 to correct for instrumental problems with the
orientation of the data.
Unfortunately, these efforts now turned out to have failed. To give the data the
right orientation, it is necessary to change the coordinate system from
clockwise to counterclockwise rotation. General breakout-orientations and
fracture statistics from the measurements in Nefsholt with the correct
orientation are presented in words below.
Also are discussed breakouts in the borehole BS-11 (Bödmódsstadir), which was logged down to 1090 m, and the borehole
THB-13 (Thykkvibær), down to 1245 m.
The previously found orientation of the borehole breakouts of about
E have to be corrected in 120.5
to 126
a direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress of N30.5
E to
E. The circular standard deviation (1
is of the order of
The stress direction is in agreement with the expected stress
direction from large scale tectonics (left-lateral strike slip).
The length of picked breakouts sums up to approximately 5.5 m.
308 fractures have been picked in the depth interval between 300 m and 1090 m.
Determination of dip-angle and -direction are presented in Figure 26.
Strike (upper row) and dip (lower row) of fractures
observed in Nefsholt. Blue diagrams: dip-angles greater 60
; red diagrams: dip angles less than
; green diagrams: all fractures.
show that most of the steep dipping fractures (dip angle greater than
are dipping ESE, a slightly smaller set of steep fractures
dipping WNW. Considering all fractures, this trend is much less pronounced, but
there is still a preferred dip-direction of W to WNW with a smaller dataset of
dip-angles ESE. The averaged strike of these fractures is thus NNE, like the
strike of the fractures observable at the surface.
Borehole breakouts have been found in the depth intervals 925 m to 927 m and
937 m
to 941 m. The breakouts in these two depth intervals sum up to approximately
3.5 m. Data quality is rather poor due to weak reflection amplitudes.
Figure 27 shows a data example. The average breakout azimuth is between
Figure 27:
Example for the borehole breakouts found in
Thykkvibær with two cross sections. The two panels
show the amplitude of the reflected signal (left) and
the radius calculated from the travel time (right)
unwrapped from North over East, South, West to North.
Vertical axis: depth in meters. Breakouts appear as vertical
bands of low reflection amplitudes. Due to low
reflection amplitude, the values for the radius are
missing in these parts, resulting in black bands. In
the two cross sections, the black lines indicate the
picked breakouts.
E (upper depth-interval) and N121
E (lower
depth-interval). Statistic analysis over the whole depth range gives a
breakout-orientation of N111
E with a circular standard deviation
of about 10
This would mean that the larger principal
horizontal stress is in average orientated N21
E. This is in agreement
with the stress directions expected from the overall tectonics as well as with
the results from Nefsholt.
No breakouts have been observed in this borehole, but there are vertical
fractures visible between 713 m and 934 m depth. The length of the vertical
fractures sums up to 45 m. Vertical fractures are expected to occur in the
direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress because of tensile failure
of the borehole wall. They are supposed to be drilling induced and not of
natural origin.
These fractures occur at an azimuth of N45
E to N90
E. One
data example is presented in Figure 28.
Figure 28:
Example for drilling induced vertical fractures
observed in the borehole at Bödmódsstadir. Same
principle of displaying the data as described in
Figure 26. The fractures appear as vertical stripes of low
reflection amplitude. Values for the radius
calculated from travel time are missing for these stripes due to low amplitudes.
Additional to the drilling induced fractures, 52 natural fractures have been
picked in the depth interval between 820 m and 1060 m. The steep dipping
fractures (dip angles greater 60
show a dominant strike ENE.
Regarding all natural vertical fractures, there are two datasets: One striking
nearly N and the other striking ENE to E.
The results can be summarized as follows:
- The repeated measurements of sonic P-wave velocity,
resistivity and gamma-ray show good repeatability. Neither
changes in logs nor changes in seismic activity have been
observed yet.
- Borehole breakouts observed in Nefsholt and Thykkvibær
correlate with the expected large-scale stress direction in
the SISZ: they show the maximum horizontal principle stress at
an azimuth of approximately NNE (N21
E to
E). The data obtained in Bödmódsstadir show an
average direction of maximum principle horizontal stress ENE.
Thus, the direction of maximum principal horizontal stress as
found by the televiewer data varies from NNE (north of the
SISZ, BS-11) to ENE (south of the SISZ, THB-13). This
variation is of the same order as the standard deviation.
- Fractures found down to nearly 1100 m depth show the same
dominant strike as those observed at the surface. A dependency
of fracture orientation with depth or with geographical
latitude could not be found so far. Fracture picking in the
data collected in Thykkvibær is not finished yet.
It is planned to continue the logging activities in 1998, depending on seismic
activity. After that, the work will be focussed on theoretical investigations.
Besides K. Henneberg, the proposer and the subcontractor, the following
scientists and technicians have worked in the subproject, especially the field
campaigns: G. Axelsson (OS), H. Bäßler (Karlsruhe), C. Carnein (GFZ),
E.T. Elíasson (OS), H.-J. Fischer (GFZ), S.T. Gudlaugsson (OS),
G. Hermannsson (OS), M. Hönig (GFZ), S. Mielitz (GFZ), J. Palmer (GFZ),
H. Sigvaldason (OS), Ó. Sigurdsson (OS), B. Steingrímsson (OS),
V. Stefánsson and M. Thoms (GFZ).
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Up: Subpart 4A: Geophysical loggings
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Gunnar Gudmundsson