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The second modelling part tries to check end member models for the
influence of volcanic loads, e.g. from Vatnajökull volcano, on the stress
field in SISZ as produced by rifting. The calculations above are uninfluenced
by such forces, i.e. the very
large volcano (diameter 100 km) near the seismic zone (volcano centre to SISZ
centre is about 160 km) is assumed to be totally in equilibrium due to isostasy
and/or dynamic support by the up-welling magma in EVZ. Here, we supply a
simulation of the load above sea level being not compensated (by buoyancy
forces of a root or by other forces) and being compensated to 75%.
The method
The method used here is the analysis of a load on a thin shell (lithosphere)
above a substratum. As a first approach the substratum is assumed to be an
elastic fluid. This will be changed to an inelastic solid material
(asthenosphere) in later models. The work is based on [].
The thickness of the elastic plate is assumed to be 10 km, its Young's modulus
is 71.4 GPa, its Poisson ratio is set to 0.25 (these parameters are chosen equal
to those used by [], for a model for the northern EVZ).
The density of the fluid is set to 3.1 kg/dm3. The volcano is approximated
as having a radius of 50 km, an average height above sea level of 1.5 km,
and a density of 2.8 kg/dm3 (in the fully uncompensated case) or
0.70 kg/dm3 (in the 75 % compensated case).
The results
The stress field was calculated for the region which corresponds to the larger
box in Figure 36, i.e. for Iceland and its surrounding area. The spacing of the
test points is 20 km in both directions. This means that 30 x 36 points cover
600 x 720 km2. Figure 36 also gives the ridge segments as entered into the
model via calculations of the type of the former model for the SISZ. Only the
region has been enlarged now. The SISZ is situated at
(x = 200 km -- 280 km, y = -185 km) in this reference frame.
Figure 53 gives the orientations of the principal horizontal stress axes for
The orientations of the principal horizontal stress
axes for the fully compensated model - without volcanic
loads. The area covers the region of the larger box in
Figure 36, i.e. Iceland and its surroundings, and
includes the five ridge segments shown there.
The scaling of the stress components is logarithmic,
the sign is displayed by arrows (tension is shown by
arrows in outward direction). The relative size of the
components tend to look similar in this scaling, even if
they differ by two orders of magnitude.
the fully compensated model, i.e. the one uninfluenced by loads. As the
emphasis is lead here on stress orientations, the scaling of the stress
components is logarithmic. Therefore the sign (shown by arrow tips) is clearly
visible at the cost of the relative size of the components being misleadingly
similar. The SISZ shows a homogeneous stress field from east to west.
Figure 54 gives the orientations of the principal horizontal stress axes for
The orientations of the principal horizontal stress
axes for the uncompensated model - with the full
volcanic load.
The area and the scaling are as in Figure 53.
the uncompensated model, i.e. the full visible load of Vatnajökull creates
stresses below the volcano and the adjacent area. The stress orientations in
the SISZ are disturbed, at least as far west as (220, -185).
Finally, Figure 55 gives the orientations of the principal horizontal stress
The orientations of the principal horizontal stress
axes for the 75% compensated model - with 25% of
the volcanic load.
The area and the scaling are as in Figure 53.
axes for the 75% compensated model, i.e. only 25% of the visible load of
Vatnajökull creates stress in addition to the ridge segments. Here, the
stress orientations inside the SISZ are hardly influenced.
Preliminary conclusions
We assume that the last model is more realistic than the fully uncompensated
one. Thus the influence of the loading effect on stress orientation inside the
SISZ seems to be small and may-be negligible.
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Gunnar Gudmundsson