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Gudmundsson hired a scientific assistant to work for 2 years 50% on this project (50% on volcanic risk). This assistant did work on all aspects of the project: aerial photographs, maps, manuscripts, illustrations, etc. Helgi Torfason was hired to carry out specific tasks, mainly very detailed maps of specific seismogenic faults in the South Iceland seismic zone (SISZ). Gudmundsson has also been starting a collaboration with Philip Meredith (University College, London, who is also in PRENLAB-2); that collaboration has involved some travel cost for Meredith.
Francoise Bergerat and Jacques Angelier had a student, Segolene Verrier, working on the paleostress fields of the SISZ, but that student has not been paid from the project.
Thierry Villemin also had a student working on the project, but no salary from the project was paid to that student. Sigurdur Th. Rögnvaldsson also worked on the project.